Imagine the following scenario: You are walking through a museum, trade fair or similar and are looking around to see what information you want to absorb next.

Suddenly you see an airplane moving majestically through the sky - but on a screen. This screen arouses your interest and you run to it. In front of you, you see two screens with 3D models of airplanes and at the bottom you realize that the screen has several holes and that these are not screens at all, but rather plates that are being projected onto.

And although they are not touchscreens, the lower screen requires you to take some tangibles and place them on a designated spot. Well, it can't hurt. Tangibles seem to be 3d-printed airplane models. You take an airplane and place it on one of the holes. All of a sudden, another animation seems to play. The stand seems to be navigated with the help of these tangibles, so you try out what works. A scroll wheel symbolizes that the tangible should be turned.


"What needs to happen at the current stage of the project for us to get closer to our vision?”
