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immer wieder Aufgaben verteilt und Ergebnisse zusammengeführt ausgetauscht - dabei folgende Standpunkte entstanden, commitments festgelegt:
Initially, I'd like to share a few words about inspiration and brainstorming
so of course fist of all did some research and brought together our visions in a moodbard
among other things we´ve looked at installations by agencies specializing in exhibition design to broaden our horizons on presentation techniques, interaction methods, and information formatting
At this stage of the projekt, we have repeatedly divided ourselves to later merge and exchange our finding. Through this process, the following commitments have emerged…
On the substantive level wo thought about things like…
to simplify and generalize the technical content.
We need to engage the user. They should not be scared or overwhelmed by the subject matter
thus, we start with holistic aircraft and work our way inward, down to the small and more complex details within the engine
on the level of visual representation, we have also committed to breaking down and simplify the technical illustrations. Besides that all the complex content will be exclusively presented in a digital format.
We aim to immerse the user in the content through the largest possible projections. Therefore, we decided to use a two screen setup. one large screen for visualizations and a interactive table.
The large projection in best case should be presented as a hologram
For navigation, we have opted for physical tangibles to make the installation more tangible and accessible to the recipient
Aktuelle Vision:
after Dimi´s additions
In summary, our vision consists of the following key points:
@Joshua Quere
Weiteres Vorgehen, What’s next? Ausblicke in die Zukunft
Aufbau “Hologramm-Kasten”
Vervollständigung Display und Hologramm-Screens
Technische Aspekte
This is Tangible, the main control component, you can pick the engine-type with the different tangibles, when you scroll, you go through the sides
Put the tanglible on the circle
here we see some general information about the plane, in the middle we have a rotating 3d view of the plane
in the next view we can see the engine close up and get some information
then we have a cut open enginge where we can see the airflow of the turbine
in the following pages we can see the explosion view of the engine. We can see 1 selected part and the fitting explanation to it.
I will give you a small preview on what we have planned to do next
We already tried the Hologram projection with a beamer and saw that we can make it work, but now we have to build a presentable display
Also we have to print out all tangibles and find a way to store information, so the right page will be displayed
The Hologramm Animations, as well as the Display screens have to be finished. For that we have to finish the 3d renders and structure the information, so its understandable for all visitors, but still getting across all the information
Find 3D Models for engines and planes in the right scale
On the technical side of the project we still have to build the website, get the render to play, when we scroll and get the screen to acknowledge the tangibles
We would like to have some feedback from you, so we can possibly get a few ideas we havent thought of, or just the opionion from uninvolved people
Is it easy to use and understandable what you have to do, to get forward with the page, any feedback or suggestions?
Also we could use some other ideas on how we could realize the tangible, so that the display knows which page to open