Inspiration, grundlegende Ideen (Bilder, Moodboard)


Projektablauf, erste Commitments



Aktuelle Vision:

after Dimi´s additions

In summary, our vision consists of the following key points:


@Joshua Quere

Inhalt Ausarbeitung

Technische Ausarbeitung

Prototypen zeigen

What´s next



This is Tangible, the main control component, you can pick the engine-type with the different tangibles, when you scroll, you go through the sides

Put the tanglible on the circle

here we see some general information about the plane, in the middle we have a rotating 3d view of the plane

in the next view we can see the engine close up and get some information

then we have a cut open enginge where we can see the airflow of the turbine

in the following pages we can see the explosion view of the engine. We can see 1 selected part and the fitting explanation to it.

What´s next

I will give you a small preview on what we have planned to do next

We already tried the Hologram projection with a beamer and saw that we can make it work, but now we have to build a presentable display

Also we have to print out all tangibles and find a way to store information, so the right page will be displayed

The Hologramm Animations, as well as the Display screens have to be finished. For that we have to finish the 3d renders and structure the information, so its understandable for all visitors, but still getting across all the information

Find 3D Models for engines and planes in the right scale

On the technical side of the project we still have to build the website, get the render to play, when we scroll and get the screen to acknowledge the tangibles


We would like to have some feedback from you, so we can possibly get a few ideas we havent thought of, or just the opionion from uninvolved people

Is it easy to use and understandable what you have to do, to get forward with the page, any feedback or suggestions?

Also we could use some other ideas on how we could realize the tangible, so that the display knows which page to open

Feedback - aktuelle Probleme und bevorstehende Entscheidungen